Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Monday, August 9, 2010

Buy HCG here!

Hi all... while I don't believe HCG is for everyone, people are curious, and are going to want to try it. If you are one of those, I want to make sure you do it right, and keep your results and new body forever! So, I have decided to become an official HCG distributor. If you go through me, I will give you the personal support, and encouragement that you need. I have all the reading materials, and supply on hand. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. I carry the 43 day kit, which comes with a vitamin B12 complex. The kit goes for $94.99, plus shipping. For locals to the Morgan Valley, Friends, and Family, please contact me before you purchase. Happy losing! If you are interested, email me at ILuvtnf@aol.com, and I will forward you the info to read through. The info includes the original ebook, charts to keep track, and tips to help keep ya going!


Nat said...


I did 3 rounds of HCG. Two 6 week ones and one 3 week. I lost 63 pounds. March 2010 was my last round and I finished at 123.8. I did my maintenance and in May 2010 I started P90X. I just finished my 13th week (recovery week) and am going to start Insanity soon. I had great results. My weight today is 135.0. My body fat is 19%. I am happy where I am at, but for my height (5'2") I could lose more weight. So I am trying to decide whether to do another round of HCG or try Insanity for 60 days. From what I have read Insanity is more for those who do want to lose weight. I didn't lose any weight with P90X. In fact, obviously I gained. So frustrating. I am eating so clean. But I might have been over working my body. I would get up at 5:00 am and do P90X and then later in the day walk/run on the treadmill for 30-60 mins. While eating about 1500 calories. That is what I was told to eat by Max Muscle. Anyway, I could go on and on about my experience/story. I just wanted to share.

Shaelyn said...

Hey Candice! I am probably wanting to try this. Does this come with any instructions and information about the kind of foods I can have with it and a guide of how to take the drops? How soon would you be able to get this? You can email me shaebabeo@yahoo.com

Ask a Personal Trainer Anything! said...

thats great nat! thanks for sharing! I'm not sure what your body fat was before you started working out, but it sounds to me like you've been able to put some muscle on, hence some of the weight gain... go off how you feel, body fat %, inch measurements, and how clothing fits. It is also possible to over do it, and send your body in the opposite direction, by causing it to store fat... shoot for 10 x ur body weight, and then eat 1/2 of what you burn. Hope thing work out for ya!

Shae - I'll email ya!

Hayley Anachronism said...

I am on HCG and I am SOOOO struggling! I've lost 1 to 2 lbs everyday but I am always so hungry! Is there anything on the list that I should eat that will be more filling?

Will you email me?
