Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Monday, July 26, 2010


For new comers to my blog, you can also find my training support group on facebook under 'Absolute Results Fitness Training.' I tend to update that a little more frequetnly, and like to post little tips on there! Plus its a lot easier to interact :) Hope to see ya there! And things are still going good - After 2 weeks, I am back to where I was after my first round. Still hoping to break 160 this time around, and am planning on stayin on till the end of next week! If anyone would like the HCG info, just send me an email, and I can forward what I have to you!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


So I haven't fallen off the boat/horse/wagon by any means on P90X, I'm just putting it on the back burner for probably after Hawaii... I want to do it right, with the nutrition and everything - so if anyone has the nutrition book, let me know! HCG update - it is definitely tough! I didn't have much knowledge going into the stabilization, so I had a hard time keeping my weight stable, and just kept fighting the scale, and eating not great, so I actually decided to do a second round... not necessarily to lose more weight, but to make sure I do it right, and didn't mess up my metabolism by eating cabrs too much, too soon. I'm on day 15 now, and went a little too crazy on the load by starting a little early... managed to put 10 lbs on! awesome! NOT! But it definitely taught me a lesson! It is soooo easy to throw away what you have worked so hard for! I loaded while we went on a mini trip to the family cabin in Island Park... it was fun, but at the same time, if I wasn't doing a second round, I would have done so much damage - in JUST A WEEK!Don't give it up people - as soon as you stop caring - so does your body!
Stabilization is super important when coming off drops - you need to slowly start increasing your calories, and after a couple of weeks, you can start adding in healthy carbs - this is where HCG is tough mentally - as soon as you are able to eat again - I wanted to be able to eat anything! not the case. My little bro has done really well off his stabilization! He followed the info I got him to a T, and started working out - he's maintained his weight, but has decreased his bf by 2%! that's awesome, lean, fat burning muscle! So I guess my point here - do it right, so you don't have to do it again! I'm probably only going the 23 days, and will be super careful on stabilization this time around. I have mapped it out so I am on maintenance right before Hawaii :) PLAN, PREPARE, COMMIT!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 1, done!

So I survived week 1 of P90X! It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, which I am relieved, especially since I had taken 6 weeks off from working out. My least favorite part was definitely the Yoga, but I like Kenpo and Legs. We are out of town this week, and I was unable to bring the weights with me, but did bring my heart rate monitor, ipod, and running shoes. It felt good to just get out and run! I definitely think I want to do a 5k this fall - Does anyone know of a website where you can look up all the 5ks? Anyone want to do one with me?

I've been mulling a few things over, and may be changing things up again, but am giving my self the rest of the week to decide. I'm really struggling nutritionally... is anyone else? I've rekindled my love for working out, and even running(there was NEVER any love there!) But when it comes to food, I am finding that I am having a hard time saying no! And it's all mental.... it's not that I physically need that cookie, I just want it, and I tend to get in that mentality that if I work out, then I can have it, no biggie, but then I have another, then another, and another, until I feel like crap, and don't care about the rest of the day! But, hey - I worked out!
I'm sure lots of you are like that, right? How do we break through that? Is it worth it? Did you really enjoy the cookie? 2 months from now, are you going to remember how the cookie tasted? That saying "2 minutes on the lips = 2 months on the hips" is sooo true! So, 2 months from now would I rather look good on the beaches of Hawaii, or be packin around an extra dimple from that dang cookie(s)?! So for those of you like me - lets get out of the short term, short sited, self indulgent, immediate thoughts of our weaknesses/triggers (cookies - or what ever it is), and focus on the big pictures! Focus on your goals - it isn't a goal until you write it down - so write it down, clip out magazine pics, buy a cute outfit you want to get into, and go for it! You deserve it! I know I do :) I have pictures of Hawaii and my swimsuits(size 10!) hanging on the back of my bedroom door. Now get off the computer and go for a walk :)