Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Monday, February 15, 2010

week 8... already???

Time sure is flying! week 7 was good to go, and today marks the beginning of week 8... the supposed 'miracle' week. We'll see! My measurements were pretty much the same as last week, except I'm now down to 190! Thats a total of 8 lbs lost! I've gotten into the rhythm of things, and it almost just comes natural. My body just tells me when its time to eat, or when I'm thirsty. The problem is I need to listen to it better. :) the hardest thing has been getting the 6th meal in. I sometimes let too much time go between meals, and before I know it, its bed time, and I've only gotten 4 or 5 meals in. Ive been trying to write my meals and times down and it seems to help some, but I've got work to do.
My free day was good... I feel like crap the whole day, not worth it, but the one thing I do like is being able to just eat a big meal and not have to worry about eating for awhile. I'm officially done nursing and have started taking green tea (capsule form) and CLA - conjugated linoleic acid - a healthy fatty acid that supposedly helps increase lean muscle mass, which in turn helps burn body fat, more specifically stomach fat. green tea is an anti oxidant that is also a proven thermogenic which can help increase metabolism. I plan on taking photos again at the end of the week and am excited to see what happens. :)

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