Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Where do I purchase HCG?

I've had many people email and ask me where I get my HCG from. A friend of mine that I work on the ambulance with successfully tried HCG last winter, and was so excited with his results, and wanted to share it with everyone, that he decided to start his own company. He did the research, and found a reliable FDA approved lab in Georgia. He has worked very closely with the lab in the formulations of his products, and carries them with pride. I have tried all of his products with success, and trust him, and refer all of my friends, family, and clients to him.

Local HCG is still a small company, with very personal service and customer support. They have a great FB page that I help out with under "Local HCG," that is HCG specific. Anyone is welcome to join and ask questions! You can also join my own personal training page, "Absolute Results Fitness Training," which is for any diet, health, and fitness questions. If you are interested in purchasing their product, you can link over to their page by clicking the HCG picture in the upper right hand corner. Where ever you purchase your product, look for at least a 6x, 15x, 30x, 60x, dilution and any glandular support. Don't hesitate to ask any questions - just do the research so you know what you are getting. Best wishes, and happy losing!


HcgTracey said...

Does this product have hcg in it, or is it a homeopathic blend without the hcg? Thanks!!! Trying to find the "real thing!"

Ask a Personal Trainer Anything! said...

Hi Tracey! Homeopathic HCG will only have TRACE amounts of "real" HCG in it. The only way to legally obtain REAL HCG is through a pharmacy and the injections. You need to get a doctors Rx for this form, if not, you don't know what you are getting. The homeopathic is a lot more open, because it isn't regulated by the FDA. Some one can spit in a bottle and sell it. That's why it's important to do the research. I have only used Local HCG's product, and can't speak for anyone elses product, but I know that they get theirs from an FDA approved lab in Georgia. Their products are formulated in the lab, not shipped to it from over seas. I have used it my self and can vouche for them. That's why I recommend them to my friends, family, and clients. Good luck to you in your search, and let me know if you have any more questions!

Unknown said...

Can you exercise when you are on hcg? I am an avidt athlete and havent been able to loose weight with diet and exercise. Can I keep my normal workouts on the program?

Ask a Personal Trainer Anything! said...

Hey Natalie - you really shouldn't work out while on HCG - you are only getting 500 calories and that is not enough to work out on. In the original protocol, it does say a 1/2 hour of brisk walking is ok, and I did weight lifting 3-4 days a week, and even played in a couple of softball tournaments and was ok. I'd just be very careful and listen to your body - if you are hungry or tired, then it is telling you to back off. BUT how much are you looking to lose? I am a personal trainer first, and would love to help you reevaluate what you are doing to see if there are some changes you can make before jumping into HCG. It is extreme and has its risk... you need to weigh the pros and cons before attempting. Please feel free to friend me on FB!!!