Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Monday, January 11, 2010


Sorry, I've been slackin! Between Zoee and Quin, I haven't had time to sit down to blog, just a minute here, or a minute there! Things are still going awesome though. I really haven't had too many problems. I was in a little bit of a slump Saturday. I was at my moms, and she always has TONS of tempting crap aroud - I don't know how my brother is doing it! I was also a little frusterated with the scale not moving a ton. But then at church, I had several people come up to me and comment that they could tell a difference, so that made my day. By the time I hit the scale this morning, I was finally down to 194.9 - just over 3 lbs! Which is 1.5 lbs a week, which is perfectly normal/healthy. Plus I checked my BF% through BIA - it was down 2%... So I'm increasing muscle, and decreasing BF - right on track! Point being... DON'T RELY ON YOUR SCALES!!!! Go off your pictures, your clothing, and how you are feeling!
For those of you on the go - make sure you keep some ready made protein drinks in the car - no excuses! Set yourself up to succeed! And last, but not least, I Posted my before pics!!! I have them posted on my facebook, for 'friends only' to see. So if you want to see them, just befriend me... but it's limited access, and don't make fun!!! I hope everyone else is doing well. I'll know tomorrow how many are officially entered in my contest... So far I have 5 - just need to check on a couple others! Have fun with your cardio!!!

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