Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Say What?! Rachael?!... RACHAEL RAY?!?! YES!!!!

YUP, you read it right! I was just in NEW YORK to be on the RACHAEL RAY SHOW!!! :D The Rachael Ray show found my blog! They were intrigued by my results with HCG, and flew me and my SIL (who did both injections and drops) out to NY to be on the show and talk about our experiences with it. Our before and after photos will be plastered all over National TV, but it was worth it, because we all have a "before", but your "after" is up to you, and if I can help some one achieve their happily ever after, then I have done my job :) The show will air Thursday, March 10th. I can't go into a whole lot more detail until it airs, but will post some more pics of my trip... Sorry for the food shots - I know I am doing a 3 day Shakeology Cleanse starting tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Again, sorry for the food shots :) I just want you all to know that I have lost even more weight by continuing to watch my diet and exercising! But food was meant to be enjoyed - I saved up for this trip, but am back to work, and taking care of my body! :D We have an emotional attachement to food. A tip I am going to try and implement in my life is "memory eating." If it's not a healthy food item, when I go to eat it, am I going to remember it? If not, then it isn't worth the calories. I will forever remember this cheesecake and pizza.

My Hubby is a cop, so had to appreciate this one :)

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