Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Sunday, June 27, 2010

P90X anybody?

So I gave Jillian a try for a week, and it just isn't enough for myself. It may be great for people just starting out, or who need something simple, or quick, but I'm ready for a bigger challenge! I have also been running a couple of times, which I have actually enjoyed, and I think I will keep up, but need to start hitting the weights again, so I can start putting muscle on. So, tomorrow, I am starting P90X! I know it's been around for a while, and their new program, I believe, is Insanity - which is supposed to be just that - insane, but I need to start somewhere, and I had easy access to P90X.

From my understanding P90X is a 12 week DVD program, that incorporates weight lifting, cardio, yoga, and plyometrics... sounds right up my alley! I haven't seen the videos before, so this could be a train wreck waiting to happen, but I figure if I did 18 weeks of BFL, I can do this. Plus, I like how p90x cycles their program - 3 building weeks then a recovery week, repeat. BFL was just push push push - no recovery. Should be interesting. As far as nutrition goes, I'm not sure if there is a program, if not, I will be testing out my program - I've already got my tracking sheets printed out. Right now, I really am not to concerned with weight - but just like everyone else, I do like to see the scale go down... more importantly though, I am focusing on BF % - as long as that goes down, I will be happy. And I am also going for a certain 'look'. I'll know it when I see it. So I do plan on doing pics every 4 weeks. My hcg pics are my starting pics, since its only been a week, and I have maintained.

My main motivation for this is our trip to Hawaii in September. I feel and look a lot better in clothes, but everything is still jiggly and lumpy in a swim suit. And I would love to get below a size 10 - currently a 10/12. Hopefully this will finally be good bye thunder thighs! I welcome anyone to join me (I'm gong to see if I can actually get my hubby to join this time), or just follow and cheer me on! I probably won't blog everyday, but am shooting for 2-3x a week. Good luck me!


Teresa said...

I am following along and also cheering loud for you! You look amazing. Where do you get the P90X? Can you buy it locally or do you have to order it from somewhere?

Ask a Personal Trainer Anything! said...

Thanks Teresa! I got my copy from a friend, but you can probably find it on KSL, ebay, amazon.com or somewhere similar... be fore warned, its tough! Just modify it as you need :)