Rachael Ray

Rachael Ray

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 20 - Eating Out

Only 18g today! But it was a hard one... Just had an egg sandwich for breakfast, and was bored through out the day, so I suggested to the Hubbby that we go to the local hamburger joint for lunch. The problem is, this time of year, they make pumpkin milk shakes, and they are GOOD - especially when you mix it with cheesecake! One of my favorites! I really wanted one, but I knew I couldn't :( Oh well, I think I like looking at the scale better, or so I tell myself :) (I was at 197.4 today!!!) So I ended up just getting a grilled chicken sandwich, and shared fries with Quin and Niel. For dinner, I made a tortilla pizza with my whole grain tortillas. Just plop down pepperoni slices, mozarella cheese, and nuke it for a minute. Pretty good! And much healthier than regular pizza! Only 300 calories for the whole thing! There is only one week left of the detox, and then I'm open to trying anything else out. If any one has anything they are curious about, let me know - but no supplements as of now, since I am still nursing. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!

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